Vitrotech Africa

Water Treatment Systems

Our water treatment solutions utilise local water supplies, such as groundwater and surface water to produce industrial water or potable water for human consumption. Our potable water treatment plants and systems are designed to meet Local Drinking Water Guidelines, whereas the quality of industrial water is determined by the application. For example, boiler feed water will require high purity demineralised water, whereas construction water quality requirements may be lower than that of potable water.

With many years of the founders and strategic partner’s experience in the design, manufacture and maintenance of water treatment and purification plants, and can supply a system tailored to meet your needs.  You can select from our wide range of standard water treatment plants, or you can get in touch with our team to discuss a tailored system for your application.

Reverse Osmosis Desalination

Desalination is the removal of dissolved salts from water. Desalination can take place through the process of reverse osmosis (RO) or distillation. In most applications, reverse osmosis is the most practical way of desalinating water.

Osmosis is a process found in all biological systems, resulting in water from a dilute solution passing spontaneously through a semi-permeable membrane into a more concentrated solution on the other side.

Reverse osmosis achieves the separation of dissolved salts and impurities from a water solution by means of pressure exerted on a semi-permeable membrane. The salts are unable to pass through the membrane and are collected in a concentrated form. Treated water is known as permeate and the process can be repeated one or more times to further concentrate the brine and reduce the percentage of rejected concentrate water.

Design, Manufacture, Installation and Maintenance

Chlorine Gas Disinfection

Chlorine Gas Disinfection Recirculation (CGDR) Plants are designed to automatically maintain the correct amount of free chlorine in a potable water storage tank, in accordance with Local Drinking Water Guidelines. The standard treatment process includes a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the potable water storage tank twice in a 24 hour period, an inline chlorine analyser which monitors residual free chlorine and a dosing system to automatically dose chlorine gas as required.

UV Disinfection

UV Disinfection (UV) systems are an effective and economical means for disinfection of water. UV disinfection instantly kills bacteria, parasites and viruses by passing the water past an Ultra Violet light source, which damages the DNA of these organisms. UV disinfection systems should be installed as close as possible to the point of end use, as the effect of a UV disinfection is only temporary – the water may become re- contaminated when stored in tanks or even in pipe work downstream of a UV disinfection system

Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection

Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection Recirculated  are designed to automatically maintain the correct amount of free chlorine in a potable water storage tank, in accordance with Local Drinking Water Guidelines . The standard treatment process includes a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the potable water storage tank twice in a 24 hour period, an inline chlorine analyser which monitors residual free chlorine and a dosing pump to automatically dose liquid sodium hypochlorite as required

pH Adjustment

pHA plants are designed to automatically adjust and maintain the pH level of wastewater in a batch tank prior to discharge to sewer/ environment or reuse/recycling. The standard treatment process includes a batch tank, a recirculation pump to turn over the contents of the batch tank, a temperature sensor, an inline pH analyser which monitors the pH level and a dosing pump to automatically dose liquid alkali and/or acid. The recirculation pump is also used to discharge the treated water at the end of each batch cycle. Dual chemical dosing pumps (alkali and acid) are available for when the water pH varies to allow for correction of both low and high pH water.